Political & Social Revolutions go hand-in-hand

Ambedkar explains that social & religious problems have a massive & limitless bearing on political constitutions. 

The religious transformation by Luther who spearheaded American Independence & led the political emancipation of the european people did take clues from puritanism in England which had led to the establishment of political liberty. 

Similarly, Prophet Muhammad had long led religious revolution which led to increasingly political transformation in Arab world.

Political revolution led by Chandragupta was preceded by religious & social revolution of Buddha

Political revolution led by Shivaji was preceded by the religious & social reform brought about by saints in Maharashtra. 

Political revolution of Sikhs was preceded by the religious & social revolution led by Guru Nanak.

Chapter 2.21-2.22 Annihilation of Caste by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. 


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