The New Age Jains...very few good cops especially women but most others are regressive
Yes...Jains are the new Jews.. we are the wealthiest, also the most hinduised, biggest block of educated imbeciles who practice untouchability vehemently, support far right BJP, host and fund RSS meetings, beef ban was entirely lobbied by Jains, we have sought minority status to start our exclusive schools, colleges and universities where you get admissions to competitive courses like engineering, medicine & business management no matter how meritless you are..then we own big corporations where you get jobs easily. We claim we are not hindus nor we believe in caste but we majorly vote for shades of saffron. Jains who boast of non-violence are biggest promoters of companies dealing in dairy, meat and leather industry. We may have banned cow slaughter but haven’t sought ban on slaughter of buffaloes who actually give more milk as well as beef. Its all about economics you see.
Also the fact remains that jains from south although well-off were not necessarily hinduised, there are numerous jain temples in south which boasted of frugality and asceticism, many jains from Maharashtra and south pray to figures riding on horses who can be passed off as important ministers during the reign of benevolent buddhist, jain or say asura kings like Bali and were subsequently co-opted into forms of Shiva. Most these temples have jain and lingayat devotees thronging them and were once in absolute state of apathy. Some key Jains from Maharashtra had even supported anti-caste activities. My paternal grandfather had numerous jain friends who were against the practise of wearing janeu but i later found them sporting it because some thought it was befitting to sport it to claim supremacy amongst their uppercaste hindu peers. What has happened lately is that jains from gujarat, rajasthan who were always more resourceful and hinduised have sought representation amongst most jain shrine boards in south. They have pumped crazy amounts of money in lobbying for minority status and have established institutions with minority tag imparting education, jobs and healthcare, with preferred status to Jains and later on to others. Jains in south are obviously feeling acknowledged because rich & hinduised Jains from Gujarat & Rajasthan are pumping in much resources and creating employment opportunities. This acknowledgment is helping them cozy-up with RSS/ BJP ideology.
Jains like other regressive brahminical counterparts are deeply-rooted in patriarchy and have kept women backward. I know many jains who prefer a male child and how badly they behave with their women. Some supposedly progressive men in my immediate family and neighbors have resorted to misogyny and actual abuse and ostracised assertive women. Most my cousin sisters are married to patriarchal & misogynist men/ families. Im sure with increased social and economic mobility, Jain women are asserting themselves well within their families and perhaps that has led to lowest birth-rate amongst Jains. Jain Women are delivering a silver lining to an extent i may say.